Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. 2 Peter 1:4
My childhood didn’t take place in the “technological” age. I did my term papers on a typewriter, and I never used the internet to do them (because the internet was an infant when I was a teenager). However, I am a fan of technology. I like seeing the advances and taking advantage of them. I believe so much more can be accomplished when people have the privileges of technology at their fingertips. Men like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, pioneers of the computer revolution, have taken productivity to a completely new level.
Despite its obvious usefulness, technology is not what defines who you are; you are defined by what you are apart from technology. There are several things that you must beware of as you continue your daily use of technology. First of all, be careful not to become too dependent on technology. Many people today are so connected to their phones or to the internet that if one of those went missing, they would feel like a huge part of their life had been lost. Secondly, be careful of the isolation brought about by technology. You might be wondering how, in a world when people are more connected than ever through things like Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites, we could ever become isolated. While those types of things certainly bring connection, they bring very little interaction with real people. Children are losing their communication skills because so much of their time is spent playing video games or staring into a phone or tablet screen. Look at the table next to you the next time you go out to eat; chances are, more than one of the occupants will be continuously texting on their phone, completely unaware of the attempts at conversation going on around them.
The last, and most vital warning, especially for Christians, is to beware of the danger of technology. While it would be detrimental to your social and relationship skills to become absorbed in technological euphoria, your spiritual relationship with God is the most important thing you have; that could be harmed as well. The things spoken of in chat rooms, and the images and videos produced by vile companies seeking the unsuspecting viewer, could grab your spiritual life by the neck and wring the life out of it if you don’t make a conscious effort to avoid them.
My point is not to argue that we should completely abandon the technology that has obviously improved our daily living. What I am saying, though, is that we should be very careful how we use that technology. If we don’t control the technology, it could soon be controlling us.
Read also: 2 Peter 1:1-11
Quote of the day: “Live less out of habit and more out of intent.”