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Old Faithful

Writer's picture: Steve BootsSteve Boots

He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. Luke 16:10

Yellowstone National Park is home to a renowned United States landmark: the geyser named Old Faithful. The geyser got its name because it erupts on a very predictable schedule every day. To be exact, it spews thousands of gallons of boiling water hundreds of feet into the air sixty-five minutes after an eruption lasting less than two-and-a-half minutes or ninety-one minutes after an eruption lasting more than two-and-a-half minutes. The margin of error is very small, and it has been that way at least since it was discovered in 1870.

On the contrary, faithfulness is one of the qualities lacked most by young men. Common shortfalls in the lives of young men often include starting a project and quitting before it is completed, starting work in a church ministry and dropping out after a short time, or getting excited about doing right and then letting go of the commitment. One of the greatest attributes in the life of Jesus Christ was His faithfulness until death. Yes, Jesus had mercy, compassion, love, and so many more wonderful traits, but had He not been faithful to what God had asked Him to do in going all the way to the cross, none of those attributes would have really mattered in the end. Jesus could have become tired of living the life of a man and left this world. In death, He could have called the angels to come take Him off the cross. Thank God He stayed faithful to His calling, however; it is for that reason that we may now accept what He did for us as the way to reserve our home in Heaven.

Perhaps you know some older men and ladies in your church who would be considered very faithful. Your pastor is probably one who would fit into that category. Maybe those people have been in the bus ministry bringing children to church for thirty years, have been Sunday school teachers for just as long, or maybe they have faithfully attended the church services for a long time. Those people didn’t become faithful because they started and stopped or because they were present a couple times a month. At some point in their lives, they made a determination that they were going to remain faithful to the responsibilities they felt compelled to fulfill. Wouldn’t it be great to earn the nickname Old Faithful? Start being faithful now to what God has laid out for you, and maybe one day you will.

Read also: Luke 16:1-13

Quote of the day: "I have the time for anything I am committed to.”

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